Tui blue sarigerme park, TUI BLUE Sarigerme Park, Даламан - обновленные цены года

Tui blue sarigerme park

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Расположенный в приветственном лаундже бар самообслуживания Welcome, в котором предлагаются напитки и закуски, работает круглосуточно. Гости отеля также могут заняться различными видами спорта. Гости могут поиграть в теннис, пляжный волейбол, баскетбол или мини-футбол. Кроме того, на территории находится парк Bluef! Для гостей организовываются поездки на велосипедах с гидом. Расстояние до международного аэропорта Даламан составляет 18 км. Небольшой городок Саригерме расположен в 10 минутах ходьбы.

Руины древнего города Писилис примыкают к садам отеля. Парам особенно нравится расположение — они оценили проживание в этом районе для поездки вдвоем на 9,6. Отличное расположение: высокие оценки от недавно побывавших гостей 9,5. Вегетарианский, Халяльный, Шведский стол.

Бесплатная частная парковка на территории. Теннисный корт. Спа и оздоровительный центр. При регистрации заезда необходимо предъявить удостоверение личности с фотографией и кредитную карту. Правила отмены бронирования и предоплаты зависят от типа выбранного варианта.

Пожалуйста, введите даты проживания и ознакомьтесь с условиями бронирования для требуемого номера. Кровати для детей. Чтобы увидеть точные цены и информацию о наличии мест, при поиске укажите количество детей в вашей группе и их возраст.

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Допустимое количество дополнительных кроватей и детских кроваток зависит от выбранного варианта. Проверьте условия. Возрастное ограничение. Домашние животные. Принимаемые способы оплаты. Во время ужина при посещении главного ресторана и ресторанов с обслуживанием по меню гостей просят соблюдать дресс-код. Следовательно, пляжные шорты, майки, футболки и шлепанцы не приветствуются. При регистрации заезда необходимо предъявить действительное удостоверение личности с фотографией и банковскую карту.

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В связи с коронавирусом COVID в этом объекте размещения сейчас введены дополнительные санитарные меры и меры безопасности. В связи с коронавирусом COVID в этом объекте размещения принимаются меры по защите гостей и сотрудников. Отдельные удобства и услуги могут быть недоступны или ограничены. Все расстояния измерены по прямой.

Фактическая дистанция может отличаться. Чтобы посмотреть цены, введите даты поездки. Ошибка: Пожалуйста, укажите действительный электронный адрес. Ошибка: Извините. Произошла ошибка. Мы отправили вам электронное письмо со ссылкой. Перейдите по ней, чтобы оформить подписку. На нашем сайте более 70 млн отзывов о проживании, и все они оставлены настоящими гостями. Единственный способ оставить отзыв — это совершить бронирование. Поэтому мы точно знаем, что отзывы на нашем сайте пишут настоящие гости, которые останавливались в наших объектах размещения.

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Отель TUI BLUE Sarigerme Park - All Inclusive, Ортаджа, Турция низкие цены гарантированы!

Дата заезда. Я путешествую по работе. Показать на карте. Мы возвращаем разницу в цене. Превосходно Оценка превосходно. Анимация для немцев. Расписание досуга в приложении. Alla Россия.

TUI BLUE Sarigerme Park ☀️ Турция, Фетхие ✈️ KOMPAS Touroperator

Больше всего хочется отметить локацию отеля- первая линия, отличный большой песчаный пляж с пологим входом в море. Всём хватает лежаков. Часть лежаков расположена под тентом, что очень актуально с детьми. Отель расположен в ухоженном саду. Вокруг горы, сосны. Всё радует взгляд! Sergey Россия. Daria Россия. Прекрасное расположение,песок для детей отлично,море не холодное для июня. Svetlana Россия. Очень хороший отель! Еда вкусная и разнообразная. В следующий раз выберу отель этой сети, но только для взрослых, т к приходится совмещать отдых с работой и этом отеле очень много семей с очень маленькими детьми, бывает шумно.

Marina Россия. Maria Россия. Чистота на территории отеля, красивый большой парк, очень вкусная разнообразная и качественная еда. Широкая линия пляжа, пологий вход. Чистейший туалет на пляже. Есть свой батут в море, нам понравилось на нём прыгать.

На ресепшене есть холодильник, где всегда можно воду и бутерброды. Вежливый и дружелюбный персонал. Имейте в виду, это не отель, привычный русскому человеку. Он такой delicious. Здесь нет привычной турецкой надоевшей анимации с дурацкими конкурсами. Вечера-это классные музыканты, танцы и красочные шоу.

Еда-на любой вкус, много овощей, мяса гриль, салатов, закусок, для веганов. Персонал сделает все, чтобы вы отдыхали и наслаждались.

Классные спортивные активности на любой вкус. Baby club отличный, каждый день детей занимают и делают поделки. Номера свежие, удобные. Все моют, песок обрабатывают. Такого чистого отеля я давно не видела.

Супер работающий Wi-Fi в любой точке отеля. Elena Беларусь. Расположение, персонал, территория, номер. Veronica Израиль. Прекрасное месторасположение. Песочное побережье. Удивительно красивое место. Anna Россия. Рядом пляж с высокой оценкой Рядом пляж с высокой оценкой. Бесплатный Wi-Fi. Бесплатная парковка. Круглосуточная стойка регистрации. Вход по электронной карте. Ежедневная уборка. Номера для некурящих.

Чтобы сэкономить на этом жилье, просто войдите в аккаунт. Самые популярные удобства и услуги. Пляж первая линия. Семейные номера. Частная пляжная зона. Великолепный завтрак.

Преимущества этого варианта Отличное расположение: высокие оценки от недавно побывавших гостей 9,5. Информация о завтраке. Сохранить жилье. Войдите в аккаунт и сэкономьте. Войти в аккаунт Создать аккаунт. Наличие мест Мы возвращаем разницу в цене. Выберите даты, чтобы увидеть доступные места и цены. Дата заезда — Дата отъезда. Проверить цены. Тип номера. Стандартный двухместный номер с 1 кроватью или 2 отдельными кроватями. Показать цены. Семейный люкс в главном здании.

Двухместный номер с 1 кроватью в вилле. Улучшенный номер в главном здании. Улучшенный двухместный номер с 1 кроватью на вилле. Семейный люкс на вилле. Что-то пошло не так. Пожалуйста, попробуйте снова.

Применяемые здесь меры. Сотрудники этого варианта жилья сообщили нам, что они внедрили определенные меры в некоторых или во всех следующих сферах: отходы, вода, энергия и выбросы парниковых газов, регион и местное сообщество, защита природы. Узнать больше. Отзывы гостей. Посмотреть места. Выберите темы:. Персонал Еда Пляж Питание Море. We were warmly welcomed and placed in rooms next to each other.

The food is excellent, the service is excellent, not a single "non-German" guest can say that he was served worse than a German : we encountered more than once, always unpleasant , For families with children - everything is done. Food, entertainment, playground-town, pools, tables in the restaurant.

Even crazy parents with tiny babies felt great. The territory is perfectly well-groomed, there are a lot of cozy places in the shade, where you can even somehow retire.

People are offered pastime - there is a so-called. The return flight was shifted to us by 3 hours later , in the morning of the day of departure we were able to extend the number so as not to be without a "roof" over our heads. We had time to rest before the night flight. Tonight we returned to Kyiv, home, I decided to write a small review - maybe someone else will go this season and get a great vacation for a very reasonable payment Basically - "boutiques" with "brands", but there are also a couple of sane in terms of the quality of what is offered, there is a pharmacy.

Here is a short story about the rest we spent at TUI Blue in Sarigerme, in a hotel that we got into by accident and did not regret it for a second. There are places where the best is not the enemy of the good! Rested for the 4th time. But until this year, either in a family way: either with a child, three of us, or with her husband alone. This year for the first time we went with four friends - that is, two married couples without children. Before leaving, for the 4th day, friends called and said that they had read the reviews and they spoke about the snakes and other living creatures met by the hotel guests.

Main dishes two types of sausages - spicy and dietary, white fish - hot smoked - every other day it alternated with boiled cold beef, scrambled eggs and fried eggs, oatmeal in milk, 5 types of yogurt natural, with honey, cherry, raspberry and strawberry , pancakes in my opinion, tasteless , cold cuts I have never tried three types of sausage-like products, they seemed very bright to me , vegetables tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers and many types of greens.

They take place at the bar on the beach and by the pool, we went to the pool, from the pluses that are noticeable to us as the luminaries of this hotel, I note the installation of several huge fans in these bars, the heat is somewhat more comfortable. In general, I wish only a good flight and transfer to everyone who travels to the Iberotel, otherwise you have nothing to worry about, everything will be perfect!

This is the first hotel not counting Hillside in Fethiye where we decided to return. We visited Iberotel for the first time in , with another child, and in we decided to go there with two, 3 and 11 years old. What has not changed and still pleased - the territory and rooms.

The rooms, as already written, have become even better - a nice fresh renovation has been made. Otherwise, unfortunately, Iberotel is deteriorating before our eyes. The leadership has changed - instead of the Germans now the Turks. Do you need a doctor? You come to three, deliberately not putting the sick and exhausted child to bed and find out - not immediately, of course - that there is no doctor and there will not be, but there is a certain nurse or nanny who does not speak English, but boldly distributes antibiotics and other potent medicines.

Where is the doctor? And here is the doctor. Oh, you already know that this is not a doctor? The doctor will.

Tui Blue Sensatori Akra Fethiye Full Resort 4K - Turkey 5 Star ⭐️ Resorts #holiday

You can wait. Meanwhile, a doctor in another city, at some practice, was not going to be here at all. Do you want to speak with the manager? Okay, come by five. You finally put the sick child to bed and rush across the territory to meet with the manager. You would not have gone to this meeting, but you found out that the hotel - according to the girls from the mini-club since April! A very high temperature, which many cannot bring down for several days and are in the hospital under droppers, a sharp sore throat, a rash.

Therefore, at five you are at the reception. Um, yes, you have an appointment. Wait please. Oh, are you still waiting? The manager will be in about half an hour. And this attitude is everywhere. The director, whom you manage to catch in the restaurant, arrogantly reports that the Russians brought the infection, because the Turks do not get sick with it, only Russians and Germans are among the sick.

And when asked if he knows the number of cases, he answers very contradictory: I know, only one person. A manager with a guest relation, having seen your conversation with the boss, urgently appears out of nowhere, crumbles in pleasantries, offers to talk right now and solve everything.

Then give me your e-mail as soon as possible, we will decide everything by mail. What exactly will we decide? How to inform guests about the virus, what measures to take, how to be obligatory and responsible? You wave your hand and still give her an address, to which she vows to write the very next day, because you are so dear to her as clients and she will do everything for you to return. More than two weeks have passed since then. What do you think she wrote?

The most egregious case occurs in water sports, where its so-called director - not Eugil, he is still pleasant in communication - allows himself to rudely shout! At a tourist who apparently somehow interfered with his board with a sail to kite surf.

I repeat, not to conduct a lesson, namely to have fun by yourself, rolling out on a kite during working hours in the same area where tourists go in for windsurfing - for their own money and in the indicated place.

True, later, in front of witnesses, somewhat lowering his tone, he claimed that he did not shout or be rude at all, in which, for some reason, widely baptized, he swore by the health of the children.

In short, some kind of panopticon. So, if you try to summarize all the rather sad impressions, then: the territory and rooms are good, the food is average, the staff and service are disappointing, the animation - both for children and adults - is awkward but we could easily forgive this shortcoming.

An infection that many children get sick at the hotel and especially those under 5 years old are hard to endure is herpetic sore throat.

реальных отзывов - TUI BLUE Sarigerme Park |

In adults and older children, it can be limited to a sore throat and high fever, in babies later, abundant herpetic eruptions appear - most often in the groin, on the buttocks and legs.

At first glance, it is easy to confuse with the symptoms of chickenpox. Personally, in our family, three of them have been ill with it - and it is very unpleasant. Also, according to other parents, the children were diagnosed with a staphylococcal infection. Basically, everyone learned the diagnoses already from their Russian doctors. The locals are trying to hide the extent of the infection and either until the last they try to assure that it is such an allergy, or they are given an antibiotic, or they are sent to the hospital in an ambulance, where, without reporting the diagnosis, they inject antibiotics.

I leave a review about the hotel for the first time, because if I had known in advance at least part of the above, I would never have gone.

TUI BLUE Sarigerme Park (Даламан) – цены и отзывы на Agoda

Review from — vOtpusk. Lovely relaxing family vacation. But still, we were very worried that the hotel might not be the way it was painted. This four is head and shoulders above some fives. We lived in the main building block A. It turns out to be the farthest from the beach minutes at a very slow pace with a 3-year-old child with stops to see the local wildlife - frogs, turtles, birds.

But it was convenient to go to the restaurant and the reception. By the way, the proximity of the reception is also a big plus - in our room the Internet was perfectly caught. The room was cleaned well, no complaints. The air conditioner freezes just fine too. Everywhere in the reviews I read that there are no bath accessories at all. I was pleasantly surprised by a small present in the form of a washcloth and soap in a box.

By the way, liquid soap was also available at the sink Indignation about the lack of these accessories always made me laugh. The main selection criterion was the presence of a beautiful beach and a smooth entry into the sea for a child - there were already many reviews on this topic. I simply have not seen a more beautiful beach in Turkey sandy. And most importantly, you are not afraid for the child, because.

The sea is very clean and transparent - which is so rare in places where the beach is sandy. The only thing that spoiled it a little was the waves in the afternoon it is clear that it was nature.

But this is how to look at this fact of course. On the contrary, my husband was super, as he is a lover of a sailing catamaran, so the wind and waves in the afternoon are just right for him. By the way, sailing is very well developed there. Pleasantly surprised by the lack of cigarette butts on the beach. It probably still affects the fact that there are significantly more Germans than Russians when they rested, there were about 60 percent of Germans, about 30 percent of Russians, and all the rest - the remaining But in general, the staff on the beach works perfectly - they constantly collect dirty dishes, clean the sand in the evening.

In principle, there were enough sunbeds for everyone. The first week the hotel was full to capacity. We came to the beach at or am. We have never been left without a fungus and sunbeds. No one complained that there were not enough sunbeds on the beach and there were such cases with us personally, but in OTHER hotels. Later, the number of people decreased, there were more than enough sunbeds for everyone, but some enthusiasts continued to go to take sunbeds at 7 in the morning making surprised eyes when they heard that we had never occupied them.

Enough about the food already. Everything is delicious. For example, in some hotels 5 hotels there are no octopuses, squids, shrimp, mussels, red fish in general - and here these seafood were found quite often not every day, but they were. As for feeding a child, say, a year or two, you can. Our friend and we went with friends - they have a baby 1. In the room, the child ate everything - I mean, if your child does not want to eat, you can also try to feed him in the room.

By the way, as a plus to the restaurant - in one of the premises of the main restaurant during dinner, a cartoon is shown on the screen.

Therefore, children who have eaten either watch cartoons or play run and jump. Parents can eat at this time. In the bar at the main restaurant in the evening they make very tasty cocktails non-alcoholic and alcoholic - be sure to ask for the cocktail menu - it is in Russian everything is painted what it consists of. For kids, they give out a pot and a kettle in the room - also a pleasantly surprised fact. About strollers. In the city we almost never use it, if only for long walks.

In general, they asked for a stroller once you contact the reception. It seems that there were few people with strollers from the hotel despite the fact that almost everyone here had a child , basically everyone was with their own. But when they gave us the stroller, they apologized very much and said that it was the last one. The stroller was killed just completely.

TUI Blue - Sarigerme Park - Türkei - Abendbuffet / Dinnerbuffet - \

But the conclusion suggests itself I read somewhere in the reviews that there are a lot of new strollers in the hotel that either the strollers are completely killed during the season, or there are still not as many of them as we would like We went with our daughters for a walk to the blue grotto.

She really liked it, even without fear she swam with us in the sea - apparently she was impressed by such beautiful water. The walk is very pleasant, stress-free. As for traveling with younger children, you need to look at the child.